Saturday 20 September 2014

A hole in my sail!!!!

For the most part my move to California has been pretty good. We miss friends, family and the other familiarities from home. It wasn't until the past week that some of my realizations that we have moved far away from everyone. I had a day of sadness and for anyone that knows me I dont come to tears very often. So spending a day getting very teary over some of the littlest things was very strange for me.  Coming to the realization that I am so far away from  the people who mean the most to me and when I know they need me or I need them and we are not able to just pop over for a hug or chat.  I am glad to say it was only a day and one day of crying made a much better week.

As for Liam we have spent the last few months keeping to himself and desperately missing all the people we have left behind. We has started to open up at school and is playing with other kids there but has not made any real connections with any kids at school. Derek and I decided that we could not watch our little boy continue to be sad anymore. We managed to surprise him with a puppy this week. He is an all white Maltese puppy and Liam is in love. He is this tiny little fire ball who loves liam to death.  We have only had him for a week and love all the smiles and giggles I have heard over the past week. I have to admit I have enjoyed having the dog around as well it gets a little boring around here during the day.

We do have some visitors planned for October. My parents are coming for their first visit to California. Liam gets a week off in October so what a great time for a visit. We are going to try and get out there and check out a few new places.

Friday 5 September 2014

Settling In

We are beginning to settle into our new apartment. It is definitely different getting used to living into an apartment instead of a house. Having no yard and people attached to the side and back of our unit.  so I constantly wonder who can hear us, are we disturbing the other people and what they must think about us.

We came here with the intention of renting a house but soon figured out they were not interested in renting to us because we had no rental history and were not established in the American system. So we gave up on the dream of a house and settled for an apartment. We were lucky and found a place that was big enough for us to feel comfortable. Some of the places we saw were really small at around 800 square feet. We managed to get 1000 square feet.   I felt bad for Derek because he did not get a place with a garage so we had to put a lot of our stuff in storage. The one thing I miss the most is not having my own washer and dryer.  Finally we have got pictures up on the walls and trying to make this place ours.

Next was getting Liam into school. I thought it would be straight forward,  well I was wrong.  Liam required more immunizations before he could attend school. So we get them done and they except them at the school only to get a call a few days later that Liam did not have all his shots. They apparently missed one so he was kicked out of school until he gets the last shot. Liam's is in a big school. They have 45 class rooms. Liam is in grade 4 and there are 3 grade 4 classes with 30+ students in each class. I know poor Liam feels lost in a sea of kids. I wish he would put himself out there and make friends but he is too shy. He has made some friends but not like he had at home.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Reno here we come.

Well it has been a while.

We got a chance to venture out the other weekend and went to Reno. We got a late start on the Friday night and ended driving out there in the dark and man it was dark, all you could see was the road in front of you.  We spent almost half the trip getting up the mountain and the other half coming down the other side.  When we drove home we were able to see all the sights and that was completely worth the drive in itself.  So we decided since Liam was along for this weekend away that we would find a fun family friendly place to visit.  The hotel was called Circus Circus and it was a kids fantasy land.  They had video games, token games, and carnival games.  I the middle of it all there was a stage where they did little circus shows every 30 minutes. We saw a balancing act, this crazy juggling act and an amazing girl doing a show on the silks.  Let's just say Liam loved it he has asked many times to go back already.  I think the next time will be Circus Circus in Vegas next.

Derek had to find some adult games to play while we were there.  When he left us he was going to spent a couple bucks at the slots but I knew better. He loves the calculating game of roulette.  He managed to walk away from the table with enough money to pay for our hotel bill for the weekend.

We took advantage of some of the other town sights and took a drive to go see the rock formations and to the planitarium.  The planetarium was very interesting and I know my two men enjoyed the sights.

We are still sitting in limbo at the hotel. We were planning on getting a place for the 1st of August but that didn't happen.  We finally got an apartment after an exhausted search.  We were supposed to move in on the 8th but now it looks like it will be on the 15th instead.  I have to say I miss my kitchen, my washing machine and my own bedroom.  This could be an interesting ride for a while adjust into life in an apartment after owning our own home and having all that space.  We definitely looked around and found a place with enough space but we had to make sacrifices as well.  No garage for Derek and no washing machine for me and no extra bedroom for people to visit.  I just keep telling myself that this is all for the best, securing a better future got us.  There are hopes that this could bring opportunity for Derek that he may not have had with out this move.  It does not change the fact that I miss my friend and family dearly. Sometimes it feels like I am missing so much being this far away from everyone.

Monday 21 July 2014

San Francisco

So we did it.  We made our way to San Francisco.  I think our big mistake was going on a Saturday in the middle of busy summer tourist season.  It took us 5 hours to get to the Golden Gate Bridge.  it only took us 90 minutes to get home that night.

Even with all the traffic is was still a great day.  We started off driving to the Golden Gate Bridge and crossing it. Definitely worth doing it at least once. Derek and I think the when anyone that visit can borrow a car and do the trip. I am sure that will change in time but it is a bucket list item checked off.

While looking up things to do in San Francisco I came across a neat attraction called Lombard street. It is considered the curviest street in the world. We found it but we could not go down it because they we filming on it on Saturday.  I have to say when you look on tv and they show you how hilly the streets are but some of them are very steep, definitely an experience.

Our next stop was Pier 39.  It is one of the piers in the bay.  It has an aquarium, huge carrousel, lots of store and activities for kids.  It is also home to many sea lions.  It is definitely a place to visit again.  We got to see some really big male sea lions. There are usually more at the pier but right now they are further down the bay breeding.  Derek wanted to go to Alcatraz but I was not wanting to get that close to all those spirits handing around that place. They have a night time tour Derek plans to take.

Our next trip will include the trip to the aquarium and possibly a whale watching tour.

Thursday 10 July 2014

It Liam Here,

We have been busy for the last few days.  We have been looking for a house.  Last night we went to see a house it was pretty good , it was big and had lots of room for my stuff.  I have been eating at lots of restaurants and I have tried some that I have never eaten at before.  Some have been Denny's, Carls Jr., Jack in the Box, and Chill Berries(frozen Yogurt) and Panda Express.  I think by the end of the month we might have tried them all.  This weekend I want my dad to take us the Golden Corral.

We have a pet at the hotel.  One of the days we opened the curtains to the window and found a giant spider.  He comes and visits us every day.  I think it is the biggest spider I have ever seen.

I had a video chat with aunt Krystal and Aiden the other day.  This time went better then the last one. He was not as upset when he saw us.  I like being able to see them and would love if our friends and family would video chat as well. Hopefully something exciting happens here soon.


Sunday 6 July 2014

It's a brown, brown world

This weekend my husband Derek took us on a trip to San Jose and let me tell you this it was brown everywhere.  The only places that were green were the peoples yards and any where they were growing crops.  The city we live in is surrounded by mountains. I have been told that in the spring it gets a lot greener.  There were probably hundreds of wind turbines along the mountain side and they raise cattle all along the hills. We came to an end of a road surrounded by these dry brown hills and staring back at me is this huge patch of green which I think is a vineyard.  It was crazy to see since I did not think that anything could get that green out here.

The weather has been great here with this blue, blue Sky and most of the time not even a cloud. It has been hot here but it does not feel the same. The other day it was 103 degrees outside and surprising you we were able to be outside for an extended amount of time without feeling the heat the same way as the humidity would effect you at home.  The on downfall to the nice dry heat is the dust. The car right now is completely covered in dust.

Today we did another drive to start to narrow down our house hunt and we think we might be on the right path to grinding a house in a desirable neighbourhood.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Heat it up

It's time to go, This was my first plane  ride.  It was really good at the beginning and horrible at the end.  My ears kept popping and real hurt while we are landing.  The plane had touch tv screen that were more like a computer.  I watched rio, rio 2 and surfs up on the plane.  There was a games option on the tv but it did not work and that sucked.  There was an awesome map feature at allowed you to see how far you had flown, when you would land and how close you were to the ground.  I am not too sure I am ready to get on a plane again any time soon.

We are at the Hotel and IT LOOKS AWESOME!!!!
There is lots to do here like, swimming pool, hot tub, basketball, ping pong, and fosse ball.  We get to go downstairs to a breakfast everyday.  I like to make my own hot chocolate and waffles.  They even have a store in the lobby to buy treats and stuff.

Even though this place is nice I am still kinda sad that I had to leave my friends and family.  It was nice that aunt Krystal did a face time chat yesterday with us but I did not like that Aiden was so sad when he tried to hug and kiss us.

Miss everyone lots and will write again soon,
